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dc.contributor.authorCataño, Néstorspa
dc.description.abstractEste documento aborda el problema de reducir la sobrecarga de supervisión del tiempo de ejecución para programas en los que se requiere una supervisión detallada de los eventos. Para ello complementamos modelar técnicas de verificación con métodos de razonamiento simbólico y mostrar que, bajo ciertas circunstancias, los fragmentos de código no afectan la validez de las propiedades subyacentes. Consideramos las propiedades de seguridad dadas como expresiones regulares sobre eventos generados por el programa. Además, mostramos cómo nuestro marco puede extenderse para considerar programas con ciclos. Probamos nuestra presentación con la ayuda del modelo Java PathFinder corrector [13].spa
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2005 Revista Colombiana de Computación
dc.sourceRevista Colombiana de Computación; Vol. 6 Núm. 1 (2005): Revista Colombiana de Computación; 1-15
dc.subjectInnovaciones tecnológicas
dc.subjectCiencia de los computadores
dc.subjectDesarrollo de tecnología
dc.subjectIngeniería de sistemas
dc.subjectTecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones
dc.titleCombinando ejecución simbólica y verificación de modelos para reducir la sobrecarga del análisis dinámico del programaspa
dc.title.translatedCombining symbolic execution and model checking to reduce dynamic program analysis overheadeng
dc.subject.keywordsTechnological innovationseng
dc.subject.keywordsComputer scienceeng
dc.subject.keywordsTechnology developmenteng
dc.subject.keywordsSystems engineeringeng
dc.subject.keywordsInformation and communication technologieseng
dc.subject.keywordsModel checkingeng
dc.subject.keywordsJava pathfindereng
dc.subject.keywordsSymbolic reasoningeng
dc.subject.keywordsInvariant strengtheningeng
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABspa
dc.relation.referencesB. B´erard, M. Bidoit, A. Finkel, F. Laroussinie, A. Petit L. Petrucci, Ph. Schnoebelen, and P. Mackenzie. Systems and Software Verification: Model-Checking Techniques and Tools. Springer-Verlag, 1999.
dc.relation.referencesE.M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, and D.A. Peled. Model Checking. MIT Press, 2000.
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dc.relation.referencesA.Q. Gates, S. Roach, O. Mondrag´on, and N. Delgado. DynaMICs: Comprehensive support for run-time monitoring. In K. Havelund and G. Rosu, editors, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 55. Elsevier, 2001.
dc.relation.referencesK. Havelund and G. Rosu. Java PathExplorer — a runtime verification tool. In Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, ISAIRAS’01, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 18–22 2001.
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dc.relation.referencesS. Khurshid, C. Pasareanu, and W. Visser. Generalized symbolic execution for model checking and testing. In Proceedings of TACAS03: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, volume 2619 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland, Apr. 2003.
dc.relation.referencesM. Kim, S. Kannan, I. Lee, O. Sokolsky, and M. Viswanathan. Java-MaC: a run-time assurance tool for Java programs. In K. Havelund and G. Rosu, editors, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 55. Elsevier, 2001.
dc.relation.referencesJ.C. King. Symbolic execution and program testing. Communications of ACM, 19(7):385–394, 1976.
dc.relation.referencesC. Pasareanu and W. Visser. Verification of Java programs using symbolic execution and invariant generation. In Proceedings of Model Checking Software: 11th International SPIN Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 1-3 2004. Springer-Verlag.
dc.relation.referencesW. Pugh. The Omega test: A fast and practical integer programming algorithm for dependence analysis. Communications of the ACM, 31(8), Aug. 1992.
dc.relation.referencesW. Visser, K. Havelund, G. Brat, and S.J. Park. Model checking programs. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2000.
dc.contributor.googlescholarCataño, Néstor [a7qGKHwAAAAJ]spa
dc.contributor.orcidCataño, Néstor [0000-0001-5015-5893]spa
dc.contributor.researchgateCataño, Néstor [Nestor-Catano]spa
dc.subject.lembInnovaciones tecnológicasspa
dc.subject.lembCiencias de la computaciónspa
dc.subject.lembDesarrollo tecnológicospa
dc.subject.lembIngeniería de sistemasspa
dc.subject.lembTecnologías de la información y la comunicaciónspa
dc.description.abstractenglishThis paper addresses the problem of reducing the runtime monitoring overhead for programs where fine-grained monitoring of events is required. To this end we complement model checking techniques with symbolic reasoning methods and show that, under certain circumstances, code fragments do not affect the validity of underlying properties. We consider safety properties given as regular expressions on events generated by the program. Further, we show how our framework can be extended to consider programs with cycles. We sample our presentation with the aid of the Java PathFinder model checker [13].eng
dc.subject.proposalComprobación de modelospa
dc.subject.proposalBuscador de rutas de Javaspa
dc.subject.proposalRazonamiento simbólicospa
dc.subject.proposalFortalecimiento invariantespa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International*

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